Pacific Coast Irises, Iris x pacifica
The varieties of these Pacific Coast hybrid Iris that we're offering for spring are listed towards the top of this page. We wish that all of the Irises shown further down the page could be offered this spring, but they continue to be a bit of a challenge to grow in pots. We're going to dig more of our field-grown mother plants both in spring and towards summer's end to grow in pots and see if we can't offer all of the varieties pictured here for the fall-spring of 2025-2026.This page contains hybrids of irises that are native to northern California and southern Oregon. They are best grown in soil that is acid, such as soil amended with a generous amount of humus or well-rotted compost. Filtered light or partial shade is best in most gardens, especially when grown in climates different from their native range. Mulching during winter is recommended where winter climates are more severe.
These are the ones that we have the greatest number of. They are especially strong and vigorous growers.
Iris 'Filoli'
$9.95 Very colorful in rich purple and lighter lilac. It is named for a famous garden in California..jpg)
Iris 'Idyllwild'
$9.95 Combines falls of medium lavender-blue with a very ruffly center buff of lighter standards. The lavender-blue falls are colored lighter at their edges, and have a creamy center line. 'Idyllwild's' season extends later than most.
Iris 'Silver Moon'
$11.95 Ruffly flowers of cream to a very delicate lilac, blushed a bit darker towards the inner part of the falls. This is unregistered with the American Iris Society.Very few of the following are available this spring.
Iris 'Blue a Fuse'
$11.95 Bluish-purple edging to white flowers..jpg)
Iris 'Ciao'
$11.95 A pure, solid gold that is ruffled..jpg)
Iris 'Going Bananas'
$11.95 Creamy lemon yellow. The signals are a lighter thumbprint of cream on the falls..jpg)
Iris 'Lines That Rhyme'
$11.95 Ruffled gold standards. Falls of brownish-red, highlighted with centers gold, purple and maroon..jpg)
Iris 'Mixed Bag'
$11.95 The falls are lavender-rose. The flaring, upright standards are a contrasting cream, lightly touched in lavender..png)
These additional Iris x pacifica may be available in th future.
Iris 'Bar Code'
Iris 'Bay Street'
Iris 'Bonus Points'
Iris 'Border Dispute'
Iris 'Cashing In'
Iris 'Chemeketa'
Iris 'Chualar'
Iris 'Clarification'
Iris 'Columbia Street'
Iris 'Costanoa'
Iris 'Drip Drop'
Iris 'Fireflow''
Iris 'Firework Display'
Iris 'Follow the Money'
Iris 'Life Force'
Iris 'Mandalay Bay'
Iris 'Marriage Proposal'
$12.95 Dusky rose blended with amber on the falls. The standards and styles are a lighter creamy lavender-pink..jpg)
Iris 'Masked Man'
Iris 'Mission Hill'
Iris 'Ocean Blue'
Iris 'Open Eyes'
Iris 'Pacific Dome'
$12.95 Rich purplish-blue with darker veins. All parts of the flower are lightly edged in a frosty cream..jpg)
Iris 'Pretty Boy'
$11.95 Light peachy yellow with a dark maroon signal at the base of each fall. Ruffles on their edges..jpg)
Iris 'Sierra Azul'
Iris 'Sizzling Pitch'